A database for soil invertebrate biological and ecological traits

The BETSI database: summarize and organize data on soil invertebrate traits


The BETSI database hosts soil invertebrate trait data.


All the BETSI database content is public 


The BETSI database has been built during the BETSI project.

What is the BETSI project?

  • A french project with a permanent consortium of approximately 15 researchers on soil ecology

  • It  means "Biological and Ecological Traits for Soil Invertebrates"

  • It began in February 2011 and finished in May 2014 (the database still operates)

  • The project was funded funding by the CESAB/FRB (Centre for the synthesis and anlysis of biodiversy / The Foundation for research on Biodiversity)

What were the main objectives?

  • Promote the use of trait-based approaches in soil invertebrate ecology

  • Give a reference structure to archive soil inverterbrate trait data

                                                            The BETSI consortium during a biannual BETSI workshop



To browse on BETSI database, fell free to click on the tabs on the left panel you are interested in and follow then the proposed procedures.

  • Data exploration map: consult geolocalized field experiment data of the BETSI database. By clicking on a sample, you have access to a synthetic description of it.  

  • Data request: consult BETSI database data

  • Contribute data: contribute to BETSI database by inserting your own data

  • Tutorial: consult the learning guide for novice users of the BETSI database. It covers all the aspects of the database functioning: data contribution, data request.




  • T-SITA: consult the Thesaurus for Soil Invertebrate Trait-based Approaches. It is a controlled vocabulary of soil invertebrate trait names. It was connected to the BETSI database to manage trait data.

  • Trait information scanning: consult a scanning tool which collect relevant literature on soil invertebrate trait-based approches




  • Projet leader : Mickaël Hedde (INRA)
  • Post-doc : Benjamin Pey (INRA/FRB/CESAB)
  • Consortium members : Yvan Capowiez (INRA), Jérôme Cortet (CEFE, Montpellier 3 university), Thibaud Decaëns (Rouen university), Florence Dubs (IRD), Louis Deharveng (MNHN), Muriel Guernion (Rennes 1 university), Fabien Grumiaux (Lille 1 university), Johanne Nahmani (CEFE, Montpellier 2 university), Alain Pasquet (Lorraine university), Céline Pelosi (INRA), Céline Pernin (Lille 1 university), Jean-François Ponge (MNHN), Sandrine Salmon (MNHN)
  • Invited members : Walter Andruzzi (Wageningen university), Apolline Auclerc (Lorraine university), Charlène Briard (Rennes 1 university), Daniel Cluzeau (Rennes 1 university), Gaël Caro, Joana Frazao (Wageningen university), Charlène Heiniger, Sophie Joimel (Lorraine university), Emmanuel Lapied (Bioforsk), Lucia Santorufo (Lorraine university/Napoli 2 university)