Contribute data
You are welcome to contribute to the BETSI database. Benefits of submitting data are potential co-authorships
and citations in case the data are used in publications and the opportunity to request data.
Contribution to BETSI does not surrender ownership of the data.The contributor remains owner of the data.
Data contributors retain the rights to withdraw his/her data at any time.
If you are interested in contributing to the BETSI database, please contact a BETSI administrator.
You will be given all the required assistance to insert your data in the BETSI database.
To explain simply, your data must be prepared in a database compatible format (templates) before their insertion
(see the Tutorial tab on the left panel for further explanation). They could concern trait literature data.
Here is an image caption of trait data put in the right format to be inserted in the database.
Or they could concern field experiment data: site(s) description, fauna and soil data, and/or measured trait values from your sampled fauna specimens.
Here is an image caption of sites description from field experiment data put in the right format to be inserted in the database.